Mie Goreng 3 porsi - Staff meal
Staff meal options
Select up to 4 options
+ Egg 1pc
+ Sauteed Vegetables 50g
+ Rice white 60g
+ Egg Noodle 60g
+ Glass Noodle 60g
+ Chicken 100g
+ Fish Fillet 100g
+ Tahu 1pc
+ Tempeh 1pc
Staff Sauces
Select up to 2 options
+ Ketchup Manis 10ml
+ Ketchup Asin 10ml
+ Chili Sauce 10ml
+ Chili small chopped 5g
Staff Drinks
Select 1 option
Iced Tea 12oz
Kopi Bali
Lemon Iced Tea 12oz
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